We are better together.
At Wellspring, relationships are a top priority. The best way to get connected is by checking out one of our LIFEgroups. LIFEgroups are our primary means of fulfilling our mission to make disciples who love and live like Jesus.
It’s easy to get lost in the crowd on Sunday morning. Church is more than a place where we gather to hear a great message and stirring music. LIFEgroups at Wellspring are places where you can talk about the Bible in a non-threatening atmosphere and where you can know others and be known by them. The real you, without pretense or disguise.
Imagine sitting in a living room or around a table with people who know you and care for you. Envision conversation marked by laughter, honesty and encouragement. Picture relationships where life is celebrated and grieving is never done in isolation … where prayers are given and prayers are received. Think of family where there is friendship and belonging. Think of being excited about learning God’s Story from the Bible.